18 Jun 2018 - Internal Doors, Self Build, Architects

Solid or hollow doors: which is best?

When choosing a door for your home, it’s worthwhile taking some time to consider the material within its core. A quick look at the pros and cons of both solid and hollow doors to make an informed decision will pay off. The type of material contained within your door can make a difference to its durability, life expectancy and many other aspects.

Overall Quality

It's accurate assumption that the heavier the door, the better the quality. Not only do solid doors feel heavier and more substantial than hollow ones, they come hand in hand with soundproofing benefits and are less susceptible to warping. Hollow doors can be a great solution for a quick, simple renovation but it’s worth considering what you’ll be using the room for. If it’s for a noisy utility room, for example, a hollow door might not be the best choice. Go for an engineered timber core and your door is less likely to twist or change shape throughout the seasons than if you were to choose standard wood.

Costing it all up

It's usually the case that a door lighter in weight will be cheaper. The price tag on heavier doors is understandably higher – you get what you pay for and, in this case, that’s a well-crafted solid door of premium quality.

A door with a solid core will not only provide a contemporary aesthetic, it’ll also guarantee protection against damage and ensure its good looks for its lifetime. Need more inspiration? Take a look at our range of internal and front doors.

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